最佳英文溝通 “The finest English communication"

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Do you know how to sell yourself, your research, and your document to editors? Do you know how to recommend reviewers for your research? Well, the first step is carefully developing a cover letter that answers both aforementioned questions and more.
A cover letter template is provided for you to use free of charge to use on your own. Click here to download the Word file.
Additionally, if you need further help I can fully develop your cover letter for you to help you achieve your publication goals. For this service, I recommend that you fill out as much as the aforementioned template as possible, then submit that to me with your research document. Turnaround time for this service is from 7 to 10 working days.
1. 投稿信以 2 – 3 個能提供必要與足夠資料的重點句子,充分描述研究原因,讓主編及審查者了解您的研究。
2. 闡述在研究中所遇到的問題,例如:某領域的知識缺口或研究中的矛盾之處,並提出如何以專案研究來探討這個問題。
3. 投稿信以 1 – 2 個句子說明主要研究發現。表達出研究對於目標期刊讀者(相較於主編或評論)的意義為何及為何值得被注意。
4. 闡述為何期望發表的期刊是最適合展現此次研究的期刊。
Before you begin, check your target journal’s author instructions for any cover letter requirements, such as certain specifically worded statements. No matter what else you decide to include, always make sure that your cover letter contains any required information and statements described in your target journal’s author instructions.
Key Points Summary for Academic Research Cover Letters
- Always submit an accompanying cover letter with every manuscript.
- Some journals have very specific requirements for information to provide in the cover letter, and these are usually stated in the journal’s instructions to authors. Make sure your cover letter includes any journal-required elements.
- Strong cover letters tell journal editors why they should publish your manuscript in their journals.
- Cover letters should be succinct and focus on the importance and novelty of your findings, as well as how they relate to the scope of your target journal.
- 一些雜志根據其刊出文章領域的不同進行編輯分工,你可以根據不同的領域,有時也可根據編輯的專業背景選擇最合適的編輯。直接稱呼收信編輯,如:“Dear Dr. Jones”。如果不能找到合適的編輯,可將投稿研擬附信寫給總編輯。
- 研擬附信的開頭應寫出文章題目,希望文章在雜志的哪一個欄目或作為哪一個文章類別發表,以及投投稿信志的名稱。
- 之后簡單敘述研究背景與理論基礎,說明研究目的以及開展的工作。然后簡單描述研究成果。
- 研擬附信接下來的段落很重要。你需要向研究界解釋你的發現的意義,特別是對雜志讀者的意義。如果你不能解釋為什麼該雜志讀者會對你的發現感興趣,你需要選擇另一家 更合適的刊物,因為編輯隻將他們認為會引起讀者興趣的文章送同行評議。研究一下你准備投稿信雜志的“目標與刊出范圍”會對你有幫助。
- 投稿信的最后一段應包含雜志所要求的聲明或說明。這些通常包括關於利益沖突、基金資助與資助來源的聲明,以及所有作者已閱讀過並同意文章的內容以及未一稿多投的聲明。每個作者的作者資格確認也是需要的。
- 最后,留下詳細的通訊方式以及禮貌的結束語。