目前分類:修改英文 (20)

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umbrella 及 parasol

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paced 及 paste

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key 及 quay

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façade 及 veneer

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abdication 及 addiction

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1. 原級比較:

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1. 介系詞之結構特性:介係詞後面接名詞片語,受格代名詞或動名詞,這些都是用來做介系詞之受詞。

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1. 功用:形容詞的功用是修飾名詞或當名詞的補語。

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代名詞的格可分為主格、受格、所有格及所有格代名詞。主格的功用是當主詞,包括 I, we, you, he, she, it, they;受格是當動詞或介系詞的受詞。包括me, us, you, him, her, it, them;所有格當形容詞功用,後面接名詞,包括my, our, your, his, her, its, their;所有格代名詞等於所有格+名詞,包括mine, ours, his, hers, theirs.

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A pen pal is basically someone with whom you exchange letters. There are several websites to do this online. You can either exchange letters online, or via snail mail (regular postal service; called snail because it’s slow).
Snail mail can be fun because it allows you to hold a letter in your hand. It’s more old-fashioned. And it’s always exciting to get something in the mail from a far away place.

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Grab a notebook and write in English every night before you go to sleep and/or every morning when you wake up about whatever you have on your mind. Keep a journal to write in.
You can write about your dreams first thing in the morning. You can write about your goals, or you can write about what you did that day.

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If you don’t feel like sharing your writing with anyone yet, then a journal is a great way to make writing a daily habit.
I know many Taiwanese that like to keep a journal in which they write about their experiences in English. This is an opportunity for them to practice writing in English and it’s also something that they’re going to love rereading later in life.

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If you want to become a better writer you should probably be writing more. A good first step is reading, but if you just read, your writing obviously won’t improve by itself.
But what should you write?

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If you enjoy prose and nonfiction, then why not research something in English and write about it. If you still go to school, you could do this for an assignment and then translate it to your native language before giving it to your teacher. Or you could share it on a blog.
A lot of people have this idea that they have to speak and write perfectly. But native speakers don’t even do this. It’s only important that you communicate. You express yourself by writing more everyday. As long as you’re doing this, make as many mistakes as necessary, and don’t feel bad about it.

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Some people really don’t realize how important reading more is for good writing.
Think of how a child learns his first language. He listens to his parents talking all the time for many months before he even opens his mouth. Just like listening is important to become better at speaking, reading is vital to become better at writing.

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Want to improve your writing? Then START writing right now.
Are you going to get a Pen Pal? Join an interesting forum? Become active in an English speaking community? Start writing short stories or in your journal?

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angel or angle

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