目前分類:英文自傳 (208)

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經濟學英文自傳範例 Economics Personal Statement Example

Examination of any quality newspaper will probably demonstrate that more of the headlines address economic problems than any other topic. The importance and relevance of economic related disciplines to the modern world have led me to want to pursue the study of the subject at a higher level. I am particularly interested in the behaviour of firms and organisations from an economic point of view and I have based my A-level coursework in this field. During my study, I have come across many real life complexities and while attempting to explain these theories, I have developed a keen interest in analysing and understanding how the world of business is influenced by economics.

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戲劇學英文自傳範例 Drama Personal Statement Example

The stage is a very intoxicating mixture to me, the bright lights, the new character and a audience to amaze, all these parts of drama even as a little girl I found exciting. I would go to theatre’s and see play’s and just dream of being apart of that some day, Drama inspired me to succeed in my education and has been a passion of mine for many years. What draws me so strongly, to drama is that it has always been a liberating experience for me. I adore the idea of being apart of something bursting with charisma and enthusiasm. I feel that the theatrical experiences that I have had, have been a gift. I would love to explore the chance to gain more knowledge about the subject and to gain more personal experience and skill in this area.

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膳食學英文自傳範例 Dietetics Personal Statement Example

I am applying for this course because I am very interested in becoming a dietitian. I have been interested in this career for a number of years. I enjoy chemistry and food related subjects and I am interested in working for the health service. As well as this I am intrigued about how the body works and the influencer nutrition has on this. My A-level in biology covers briefly the variations in dietary requirements as the life cycle takes place. I have enjoyed this subject and would like to study it in more depth. I have completed 1 week shadowing the dietitian’s at ___________. I enjoyed every minute of it and I particularly enjoyed the dietitian’s clinics. The clinic’s allowed the dietitian to have one to one contact with the patient. This seems the most effective way to change a patient’s behaviour. The majority of patients I came into contact with had some form of diabetes, but I also saw anorexia and obesity. The skills used during these appointments were fascinating. I often saw a cycle of a dietitian who managed to persuade patients who were not thinking about change to change some parts of their diets. These skills are essential in this career and are preliminary taught through the degree and improved in practice. This week was also helpful as it helped me confirm my career choice and therefore my university options.

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平面設計英文自傳範例 Graphics Design Personal Statement Example

At university I hope to study graphics design, the reason for this is because from a young age I’ve always had a very high interest in advertising and graphics design everything that is around us has been designed and this has always fascinated me, I’ve wanted to be involved and a part of this, in my spare time I normally educate myself looking at tutorials on either web design, video editing and graphics such as Photoshop and Indesign, my strongest software experience is Photoshop and Indesign and I spend my majority of my time designing abstract and random graphics in affect this means that I’m very familiar with the adobe products interface and the majority of the panels, my video editing skills are very mild which means there’s room for improvement.

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室內設計英文自傳範例 Interior Design Personal Statement Example

I have always had a great interest in Interior Designing. This is because I have a passion for interior designing which developed form a love of designing catalogues. My interest has grown through watching programmes related to designing homes. I understand that designing the interior is very important whether it’s a home, school, office or any other building as it makes a place look unique and fit for purpose. I am applying for this course because I want to develop my knowledge of interior designing. In future I intend to help people with my creative ideas in decorating and designing to help them make their homes look attractive also give them what they are looking for. I eagerly want to learn how a space is planned and then presented. I want to gain the knowledge of how to mix materials together to make a comfortable space. I would like to learn how to furnish space, and how texture, colour, lighting and other factors combine and interact to make a space eye-catching and pleasing. Looking at different homes and offices made me realise how designing the interior plays an important role in our lives to make our surroundings look beautiful.

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產品設計英文自傳範例 Product Design Personal Statement Example

From a young age I have always been interested in how things work, and would often get told off by my dad for taking things apart around the house! I feel that my strength in school lies in the more ‘male’ minded subjects such as Maths and Design Technology, and I feel that engineering is the right route for me to take.

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綠建築英文自傳範例 Environmental Buildings Design Personal Statement Example

The rapid development of urbanization places a huge strain on nowadays architectects to build not only comfortable and solid but also environment- and human-friendly buildings. Thus, Architectural science requires a wide range of engineering and geographical knowledge. With this purpose, I was excited to learn about your master programme which would expand my knowledge to design buildings with minimal global impact.

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藝術設計英文自傳範例 Art & Design Personal Statement Example

The decision to study Art and Design as a university course is one which I have spent a lot of time thinking about. After conference with friends and tutors I have decided that this is the right decision for me as although I am performing better academically in another subject, it is in art and design that my real passion lies.

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牙科英文自傳範例 Dentistry Personal Statement Example

My initial exposure to taking dentistry as a prospective career path came on a family holiday to India, where I resided with my cousin who is a self-employed practising dentist. Here I learnt the real extent to which dentistry is a career, which can truly improve the quality of people’s lives. Furthermore, I witnessed the close relationships that a dentist creates with his patients, and I therefore find the combination of meeting and working with new people and diagnosis very stimulating. Dentistry is also a career which allows a great deal of scientific application along with patient care and allows me to make use of my manual skills. In addition, I believe that dentistry is an ever expanding sector which provides endless opportunities for further study and specialisation, whilst at the same time providing a secure, fulfilling and worthwhile career

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犯罪學英文自傳範例 Criminology Personal Statement Example

I am interested in studying Criminology for the mere purpose of wanting to fulfil a deeper understanding of the causes and consequences of crime and exploring how crime affects our society. The workings of the human mind intrigue me. I am looking forward to analysing what crime is and what exactly is classified as criminal behaviour. Paul Tappan gave a literal definition of crime. It is known that one’s culture, age gender or even ethnicity portrays different rates of criminality. But how do we differentiate a defence from an excuse?

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計算機動畫英文自傳範例 Computer Animation Personal Statement Example

The technological advancements in the multimedia world have always fascinated me. Since the very first time I laid my hands on a playstation I have been constantly analysing the quality and realism in the games. When I was younger I would often come out of the cinema very cynical of the film’s popularity due to the lack of believable SFX employed. The natural critic in me has driven me to research and expand my knowledge of the digital world, especially with reference to the quality and believability of digital animation for both movies and gaming. I have discovered much about both the hardware, such as what aids computers to make much more compelling graphics and the software, including the latest programs which provide a vast collection of tools to be used in order to create an artificial world.

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系統工程師英文自傳範例 Computer Systems Engineering Personal Statement Example

As a child, driven by an unnatural curiosity, I was often damaging some electronic devices by knocking them down and failing to reassemble just for finding out what they contained or how they worked. I have developed this habit later on computers with the difference that I did not caused any major damage to any.

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資訊工程學及企業管理英文自傳範例 Computing and Business Management Personal Statement Example

The progression of technology and the effects it has had on civilisation has always fascinated me, and generated within me a profound interest in computing and business management. My passion for the subject expanded when I chose Information Technology, as part of my A-level education. Although this subject is somewhat demanding, I find it extremely interesting. I believe that a degree combining both these elements is the correct choice for me. I am confident that a course in business and computing satisfies both these interests. I will be looking forward to the challenge of learning about the computing and business industry

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信息與通訊技術英文自傳範例 ICT Personal Statement Example

ICT has developed tremendously over the last twenty years, and as a result I have a keen interest in these changes and would like to be a part of them. From an early age, I have always been deeply interested in using computers, which are the most influential tool in my live. It was my father who first introduced me to computers in my country of birth “Afghanistan”. I studied ICT GNVQ intermediate and I am currently studying for the AVCE in ICT, which has led me wanting to study Computer Science to a much greater depth and this has been the obvious subject for my university course.

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電腦遊戲程式英文自傳範例 Computer Games Programming Personal Statement Example

I find the fields of Artificial Intelligence and Games Physics interesting and so I have decided to study a course to include these areas. I am currently studying an A level in Information Technology in which I have used Visual Basic in Microsoft Excel and Access. At home I have used the actionscript language in Macromedia Flash to build an interactive personal website. I found this aspect of computing very interesting and so I will really enjoy programming in C++ and other programming languages. I am also studying an A level in Mathematics that I really enjoy. This would be useful for many parts of the course such as games physics.

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數學及資訊工程學英文自傳範例 Mathematics & Computer Science Personal Statement Example

The study of mathematical sciences has intrigued me for many years. The decision to study A levels in both Maths and Physics stemmed from a high interest level and strong aptitude in both subject areas. This was reflected in the AS grades I received in June 2002; achieving an A grade in mathematics which has inspired me further in my pursuit of the subject.

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資訊工程學英文自傳範例 Computer Science Personal Statement Example

From an early age I’ve always been deeply interested in computing. It was my dad, introducing me to the computer systems at his work place that first sparked this interest. I can always remember the feeling of wanting to know just how computers worked, why they worked and what else they could do.

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古典學英文自傳範例 Classical Studies Personal Statement Example

The concept of heroism is something that I’ve always been fascinated by. Characters that we grow up with from film and fiction are symbolic of everything we believe a hero should be in the modern day: strong, noble, able to make the righteous choice in the face of adversity and yet still retaining their humanity and emotion. Through my enjoyment of A-Level Classics, I have had access to new kinds of heroes. The Homeric heroes: Hector, Achilles or Odysseus, and Virgil’s hero, Aeneas. One thing I’ve found interesting is how heroes of the Classical age are often presented in supra-human physical perfection, something reflected in Classical sculpture, and are very physically able, whilst modern day heroes are centred around a strong sense of morality. The search for kleos in Homeric heroes leads Achilles and Hector pursuing the task of winning their glory via the slaughtering of their enemies, despite knowing it will ultimately bring them death. In Book 20 of the Iliad, Achilles shows his supra-human fighting abilities when he returns to the fight. We also see his sub-human morality when he glories in the killing of Hector, mutilating and dragging his body around Troy. This is a stark contrast to what we associate heroism with now, where heroes do not have to kill hundreds of enemies to win themselves glory but temper bravery, justice and mercy as unshakeable virtues in the face of adversity. It is not just the contrast in how we view heroism but every aspect of Classics that enthrals me and has done throughout my life. I drew a lot of moral teachings from Roman and Greek mythological stories, at GCSE I studied Latin and achieved an A grade, and in year 12 my enthusiasm was intensified with the studying of A-Level Classics, so much so that I am absolutely certain that this is the course I wish to continue with into the future. My interest in classics is something that extends to studying in my own time. I enjoy reading ahead of the class, and have been exploring the peripheries of the subject by reading the two volume set of ‘The Greek Myths’ by Robert Graves, and Martin Thorpe’s ‘Homer’. I find Thorpe’s observation that a heroes live to exceed other men in any possible field insightful, allowing Odysseus to gain honour through the success of his deceit in Odyssey 13. I have always enjoyed visiting museums and historical sites which have included Elgin’s Marbles, classical sculptures and other artifacts preserved at the British Museum. I have also made trips to Italy to see the colosseum, Mount Vesuvius, the villa at Oplontis, the remains of Pompeii, and Halicarnassus.

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納米技術英文自傳範例 Nanotechnology Personal Statement Example

Nowadays, science and technology play a vital role in people’s lives. They have become a dominant factor in the development of society. Therefore, many countries are striving to diversify their economies through the development and application of new and advanced technologies like the ones that operate on nanoscale. Nanotechnology and applied nanoscience allow people to create innovative nanostructured materials, devices and mechanisms which will make a contribution to the improvement of people’s lives and development of the country’s economics. Thus, the choice of nanoscience and nanotechnology as my speciality was inspired by both my interest in the natural phenomena as a physicist, and by the excellent prospects it offers in the labour market.

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化學工程英文自傳範例 Chemical Engineering  Personal Statement Example

I have great interest in questions such as “How do you convert raw materials into useful products through the application of chemistry on a large scale, or more accurately, how to create and operate facilities relating to the manufacture of commodities essential for modern everyday life, in a safe efficient and environmentally friendly manner?" Questions such as these were triggered at a younger age by issues such as the origins of plastics, and how they are extracted, and produced. I am currently reading into the subject in my spare time. “Chemical Engineering and Industrial Processes" by the BP educational service, which currently provides a very useful insight into some of the challenges facing a chemical engineer, from Concepts of design to Industrial processes.

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