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英文創意寫作英文自傳範例 English Creative Writing Personal Statement Example


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英文語言英文自傳範例 English Language Personal Statement Example


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英文文學教務英文自傳範例 English with Education Personal Statement Example


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英文文學與西班牙文英文自傳範例 English Literature and Spanish Personal Statement Example


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英文文學與法文英文自傳範例 English Literature and French Personal Statement Example


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英文文學自傳範例 English Literature Personal Statement Example


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心理與英文語言學英文自傳範例 Psychology and English Linguistics Personal Statement Example


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英文學英文自傳範例 English Studies Personal Statement Example

I have always been fascinated by the way writers can influence, and even manipulate readers emotions by their expression of thoughts, and by their ability to encourage the expansion of our imaginations and understanding. My favourite authors include Phillip Pullman, Caroline B. Cooney and also Ian McEwan, whose novels are inspiring because of their enviable lucidity and innovative character development. It is my love of literature that has stimulated me to write creatively for pleasure. I therefore want to study English further as a catalyst for my own writing and to extend my knowledge of a subject for which I have developed a passion.

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機車工程英文自傳範例 Motorcycle Engineering Personal Statement Example

For many years growing up I was unsure as to what I wanted a career in, but at the start of secondary school I was asked, “What have you always loved?”, and my response was “cars”. At first it was all about the statistics and how fast they were, but growing up I became more interested in how things worked under the bonnet, this lead to me researching mechanics and formula 1 precision engines. Throughout this I became a big F1 enthusiast and I found that the way the teams pushed the boundaries of down force and precision incredibly interesting, especially as they are always pushing further into the unknown. This love for cars and engines soon developed into an interest in motorcycles, and to improve my overall knowledge I started to read about the difference between motorcycle engines, car engines and how they act differently as 2 strokes, 4 strokes, carburettors set ups or fuel injected set ups.

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航太工程英文自傳範例 Aerospace Engineering Personal Statement Example

I have always loved space; from the first time I saw the Rover projects on Mars. My ambition from a young age has been to be the part of the team that sends a human to Mars. As an avid physicist I have looked into a variety of methods and ways this could be achieved but I really want to have a greater knowledge of the science behind space craft and as a result astronautics and aerospace engineering would be a perfect subject for Higher education.

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土木工程學英文自傳範例 Civil Engineering Personal Statement Example

The world is forever growing and evolving, as is the demand for new buildings and good infrastructure. The pressures of population growth and global warming are ever increasing, and civil engineers can help play a major role in designing more efficient structures, as well as planning projects in developing countries. I am attracted to me to civil engineering because I like the idea of helping to shape the world around me to meet the demands of the future. I hope for a challenging career which I will find personally rewarding and be able to feel that I have given something back to the community.

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電子工程學英文自傳範例 Electronic Engineering Personal Statement Example

The subjects of maths and physics have always fascinated me and I knew very early on that I wanted to pursue a career that involves science. As I progressed through school I found that I was much more interested in the application of the theory rather than the theory itself, and this is why I would like to study electronic engineering. I enjoy physics particularity as it can be observed in every aspect of life. From apples falling from trees to lightning, physics explains how the world works, and engineers throughout history have used their knowledge of physics to overcome problems that they face. The Romans built aqueducts to supply their cities with water; William Thomson helped lay the transatlantic telegraph cables that made communication between Europe and the Americas viable.

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結構工程學英文自傳範例 Structural Engineering Personal Statement Example

A simple bridge truss was the first structure I ever analyzed. The simple combination of beams that could hold cars, trains, and trucks over long spans of water fascinated me. Having the tools to analyze the loads on the truss further increased my interest in structures. I encountered the bridge in a textbook for my first engineering class

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機械工程學英文自傳範例 Mechanical Engineering Personal Statement Example

From a very young age, I had aspirations of becoming an engineer, because I wanted to build machines that did not require direct human energy inputs to operate. I achieved this for the first time a few weeks later, designing a vehicle that carried it’s energy stored in rubber-bands; it wasn’t a roaring success, but the fact that it wasn’t perfect only increased my desire to learn more about engineering.

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工程學英文自傳範例 Engineering Personal Statement Example

I have always had an interest in the way things work, and since I was young, science has been one of my favourite subjects. My interest in sciences, particularly physics, has developed throughout my time at school, and I enjoy the challenge of using scientific and mathematical ideas when solving everyday problems. Last year I took part in the Engineering Education Scheme, working alongside three other students, with the local water company, to work on a project involving the removal of sludge from a drinking water clarification tank. This helped me to develop time management, problem-solving and teamwork skills, as we encountered several problems along the way (mostly involving the sludge), as well as having to cope with each other for long hours in order to meet deadlines. I found this both challenging and rewarding, and achieved a Gold Crest Award as well as being able to take part in the regional final of the Young Engineers for Britain competition. The scheme gave me a useful insight into the types of problems that engineers have to solve, and convinced me that engineering is the career path I want to follow. I aim to secure sponsorship for my course with a local company, as this will provide me with experience of industrial work during the holidays, as well as helping me financially through my time at university.

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國小教育英文自傳範例 Primary Education Personal Statement Example

I am a hard-working, responsible, friendly girl with a strong passion to pursue a career in primary school teaching. I believe that to become an excellent teacher you must have a desire to assist children in the learning process and this is one quality which I feel I definitely possess.

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經濟及統計學英文自傳範例 Economics and Statistics Personal Statement Example

Living in a time of immense economic uncertainty has sparked my curiosity to explain the

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金融學英文自傳範例 Finance Personal Statement Example

Since my early childhood I was the one playing banker in the Czech equivalent of Monopoly, as my parents (both graduates of economic study) mentioned that I had special smile when I touch, count and distribute money. While my dad saw the heights of the international market and my mum worked trough the paperwork that is hidden under the annual reports of every company, I became aware of the world of business rather early. Thanks to my older friend I came across a book called ‘Rich Dad, Poor Dad’ from Mr. Kiyosaki, which gave my early experiences a bit of sense and structure and when I was twelve I was able to discuss assets and liabilities with my older peers and mainly with my dad.

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經濟及會計學英文自傳範例 Economics and Accounting Personal Statement Example

Accounting to me is not just a subject, but a life skill. It invokes not only the core disciplines of business and economics but it provides these in both a local and global context. I see Accounting as an international common language between businesses, to analyse accounts and influence future decisions companies will make.

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環保政策英文自傳範例 Environmental Policy Personal Statement Example

I have never understood politicians. Are they supposed to be economists or philosophers? Or should they be environmentalists instead? My questions have made me a dreamer who fights reality. While philosophy centers around the question What would be the best way to live ?, economics dictates how to live. Politics determine how these two will be applied. My dream is to learn to create a new way of doing politics, politics whose goals are to educate, to provide as much personal liberty as possible and to create a better reality. My questions predispose me to ask why people behave as they do. Taking I.B. Economics Higher and reading widely have reinforced my thinking and inspired me to find solutions. I favor macroeconomics, especially inflation and unemployment, as well as trade and sustainable development.

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