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藥物學英文自傳範例 Pharmacology Personal Statement Example

From the race to find a vaccine for the H1N1 virus to the almost daily reports of breakthroughs in the field of cancer research, science has always fascinated me.On a more personal note, my interest has largely stemmed from school, work experiences, and science in the news. My subscription to the New Scientist magazine took my interest to another level and it became clear that science was the right career path I want to pursue. As a student, I believe I possess the motivation, commitment and determination to succeed at the next level of higher education.

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化學英文自傳範例 Chemistry Personal Statement Example

My passion for science became apparent when I had a ‘light bulb’ moment during my time at

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餐飲英文自傳範例 Catering Personal Statement Example

I am a Taiwanese student looking for self fulfillment and success in life. For that reason I have chosen to apply to the Culinary Arts Management course.

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企業與創業英文自傳範例 Business Management Personal Statement Example

Throughout my life there has been this reoccurring scene in which my father convenes a family meeting, usually on a Sunday evening. By the next morning, we always find ourselves busily packing for yet another international move. I am not complaining though. Far from it! In addition to having acquired five languages and a broad world-view of various cultural traditions, I developed a keen interest in the financial and managerial aspect of our daily lives, as I began developing relationships with various family members and professional in the field who held important positions in various respectable companies.

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企業管理英文自傳範例 Business Management Personal Statement Example

My motivation to study Accounting /Information Business at degree level develops from my enjoyment from the single Business Studies at AS, currently converted into a double award at A2. For me, Business Studies has proved to be a fascinating subject, one that offers unlimited professional opportunities. My coursework case studies of both Norwich Union and Zenith Conservatories have given me an insight into complexities involved in operating such varied businesses, which I have found most intriguing, particularly those which relate to any financial considerations. Studying these business subjects at degree level will allow me to explore, in depth, a range of stimulating and interdisciplinary topics which I feel will give me a broader understanding towards the theories and practices of management in different organisations in relation to a Financial/Information environment

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業務英文自傳範例 Business Personal Statement Example

I am planning to go to university in order to obtain a bachelor degree in business studies after my degree i want to do Masters and finally thereafter i want to work in the business career. My ultimate goal after the degree and post graduate is to own a lucrative business where i can help my country by providing a good service, a good products and create jobs but in order to achieve that i might work for number of years as a private sector employee to gain an experience and make good saving so i will start my career working in real estate sector where i can learn the concepts, the methods and the secrets of it. I admire this successful saudi businessman who i consider a role model to me, who made a big fortion from investing in this sector who’s name is Saleh Kamel his success inspired me to aspire reaching his level and in terms of investments this field tends to be low in risk and ever lasting in maintaining wealth. The reason why i am studying business is to pursue a career that helps me to expand my knowledge about the market and how to be able to acquire wealth and gain an experience that will raise my value in the job market. Why am i studying in the UK? I have noticed that studying in the UK gives me a great opportunity to receive my business education in one of the most advanced countries in the world in terms of being a financial world class and business centers.I believe that my ambition to learn new business concepts because that is what i always wanted to study and the main reason why i decided to study marketing and mangement specifically is the dynamism displayed by the world of business and the horizons that are covered by its studies knowing the wealth of information and the myriad ranges of products and services offered. Moreover if we look around we see how our current world is so commercialized which manifest the power of commerce, economics and business. However, the income generated by employees of business can put them in a high standard of living that no other job can generate which makes me proud to major in Marketing and Management.

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生物科技英文自傳範例 Biotechnology Personal Statement Example

The possibilities of biotechnology first intrigued me when I watched Jurassic park. I ran around my house asking if it was possible to bring back dinosaurs, and spent the rest of my childhood imagining that it was. My parents sparked my curiousity by taking me to places like the petrified forest national park in Arizona or skiing in the rocky mountains. This is where my inherent passion for the sciences came about. An amalgamation of experience and education made me the person I am today.

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生物醫學工程英文自傳範例 Biomedical Engineering Personal Statement Example

I think that applying engineering techniques to the human body is a fascinating, absorbing and rewarding endeavour with many potential benefits for health care. Arguably, all engineering disciplines seek to further our quality of life, however, what interests me in bioengineering is that it can directly affect and improve our health and well being. Applications like innovatively designed needle-less injections could reduce the great number of injuries due to syringes, and developments in minimal access surgery using imaging techniques will be incredibly valuable, for example, in reaching otherwise inaccessible disease areas. While undertaking work experience at a General Practice, I quickly realised that I would like to have a positive impact on health care, whilst retaining a focus on engineering.

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生物學英文自傳範例 Biology Personal Statement Example

Since as long ago as I can remember I have always been fascinated by the natural world. That childish fascination has not left me but deepened over the years. This interest has led me to my love of biology, ecology, animal behaviour and evolution.

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生物工程英文自傳範例 Bioengineering Personal Statement Example

I wish to read biochemistry at university because I want to discover the answers to the most profound and fascinating questions about the very essence of life. Some questions are so important but, paradoxically, can be overlooked by many people, for example, why are men naturally more predisposed to genetic conditions than women?

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生物化學英文自傳範例 Biochemistry Personal Statement Example

I wish to read biochemistry at university because I want to discover the answers to the most profound and fascinating questions about the very essence of life. Some questions are so important but, paradoxically, can be overlooked by many people, for example, why are men naturally more predisposed to genetic conditions than women?

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藝術英文自傳範例 Art Personal Statement Example

I have always enjoyed Art from an early age. My earliest memory of this is doodling on sheets of computer paper and cutting up old Christmas cards to make new images. I can remember spending most of my childhood just drawing and being inspired to make and design anything and everything! This love of Art has stayed with me and developed and grown and, now, I cannot imagine wanting to do anything else.

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建築學英文自傳範例 Architecture Personal Statement Example

Architecture is a natural choice for me. I love the thrill of solving a problem in maths, physics and everyday life. I do this with an imagination and enthusiasm that has propelled me to two terms as a Student Council member acting as Public Relations Officer and Vice Chairperson where I promoted and lead the development of a student voice in the school environment. These qualities and an insatiable drive have brought me academic success and fulfilment

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考古學英文自傳範例 Archaeology Personal Statement Example

What excites me about archaeology is the excitement and anticipation from finding those missing pieces of the jigsaw that make up our past. My earliest recollection of archaeology was from 10 years ago when my parents took me on holiday to the Greek island of Kos and whilst there, we visited the Asklepion ruins, and I was amazed by what had remained from Greek times. Being told this place was thousands of years old and that people had worked and lived there fascinated me, and from that moment on I wanted to find out more about how it was possible to discover so much about the past. This began my passion for archaeology. My interest has been further fuelled as I visited numerous other archaeological sites and historical areas over the years, such as the Hardknott Pass Roman Fort. I find it incredible that, by using archaeology and examining even the smallest fragments, the nature of each building can be determined, when there is only a shallow wall visible above the ground.

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人類學英文自傳範例 Anthropology Personal Statement Example

For me the appeal of anthropology is that it draws on a wide range of disciplines, and that it combines theory with empirical study. Anthropology is a useful discipline in the world, where, for example, its use in developing countries is needed to give appropriate consideration as to how to successfully aid development without harming or diluting the country’s indigenous cultures. In my A level courses I have enjoyed the juxtaposition of scientific enquiry with the imaginative scope allowed me by my other subjects. The precision of chemistry, the polemic nature of history and the perceptiveness and observational powers fostered by my classics studies have created a dynamic I’ve enjoyed.

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會計英文自傳範例 Accounting Personal Statement Example

‘Accounting is like Art’. You have to analyse every aspect before making a just decision.

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如何寫英文自傳 Writing the Personal Statement

The personal statement, your opportunity to sell yourself in the application process, generally falls into one of two categories:

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1. 為什麼要寫自傳? (WHY)

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1. Good presentation skills.

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1. Mature, self-motivated and strong interpersonal skills.

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