學術文章的研究結果與討論 Research Results and Discussion
- 概述實驗設計與過程—雖然在研究設計與方法章節已經提過實驗細節,但這章在提出研究結果前,還是需要簡述實驗過程;這部份主要是為了讓讀者釐清幾個問題:測試哪項研究假說?於是設計了什麼樣的實驗?實驗過程又是如何?(尤其是採樣方法、數據採集和分析等細節)。另外一項很基本但卻非常重要的問題:實驗的控制組(controls)為何?也千萬不要忘記提!
- 解析實驗數據—接下來就是「看圖說故事」的時間了。這裡要針對對應上述實驗的數據圖表逐一進行解說,對呼應主題的數據點或變化趨勢尤其須特別強調。
- 圖表—圖表在研究論文裡的地位非常崇高;好的圖表能讓人對研究重點一目了然,大部份讀者也習慣先掃過圖表再閱讀文字。
- 實驗結果的意義—也就是對數據的討論。討論有兩種層面,先討論一層是較「膚淺」但直接了當的結論,再來則是另一層較深沈的間接含義,或是「故事的啟示」。在結果與討論這個章節裡,主要以淺層討論為主,深層討論一般留至結論裡再多加著墨。
Results are the ultimate objective of scientific research: here you summarize the data collected and the statistical treatment of them. Therefore, this section consists of the observations and measurements recorded while conducting the procedures described in the methods section. These components must address the questions raised in the introduction and any hypotheses formulated there.
Results are often presented in numerical form and indeed are more reader-friendly if presented graphically in tables and graphs than in written text. The writer must aim forACCURACY, INCLUSIVENESS, and SYSTEMATICITY, as these results are the primary and permanent source of scientific knowledge.
Organization should “match" that of the Methods section, if required. If the Methods section was a single, straightforward test, then the Results can follow the classic order: answer the RQ first, and arrange from most to least significant. If your Methods section was structured, consider structuring the Results section similarly. Feel free to use subheadings in the Results section. Often, this can make it somewhat easier for the reader to follow.