英文履歷表 The Resumé / CV (Curriculum Vitae)

「英文履歷表是求職者自我行銷的重要工具」,在求職過程中,履歷表是應徵者與求才公司之間的第一座橋樑,在雙方尚未正式見面前, 英文履歷表就具有重要功能,替求職者爭取進一步面試的機會,所以,撰寫時需格外用心,一份能表現個人特色,引起主管興趣,爭取到面試機會的英文履歷表,是攸關你未來的重要關鍵,更是贏得工作機會的叩門工具。
推薦人 reference(s) 尤其重要,推薦人可扮演臨門一腳的關鍵角色。

How Long Should a Resume Be?

A resume isn’t an exhaustive list. If it’s too long it probably won’t get read. The best resumes are usually no longer than one or two pages.
If you’ve just left high school – whether you finished or not – a one-page resume is perfectly reasonable. If you’re at uni, or you’ve finished uni, you’ve probably got enough experience to fill two pages.
If you need to go over two pages that’s okay, but make sure everything you include is necessary to explain how good a fit you are for the job.
The worst thing to do is to pad out your resume. There’s nothing wrong with a one-page resume, as long as it has all of the relevant information on it. More is not necessarily better.

Do I Need to Change My Resume Every Time?

You need to change your resume for every job application so that it lists the skills and experiences that are most relevant to the job you’re applying for. Not every job will have the same set of requirements, but every resume you send out needs to be 100% relevant to the requirements of that job.
The point of a resume is to convince a recruiter or employer you’re worth interviewing. A tailored resume makes that case better than a generic one, so it’s worth the extra time.


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