英文諺語 NO NEWS IS GOOD NEWS 無消息即是好消息
Not hearing any news signifies that nothing is wrong; having no information means that bad developments are unlikely. The proverb is from the old days, over a 100 years ago. Back then when illness and death was so frequent, and communication was by letter or telegram, when news came it was too frequently that someone was ill or died. National or international news that someone would take the trouble to communicate also tended to be the bad, more spectacular news.
Bob: “I wonder if Jill is doing all right in her new job?"
Sarah: “No news is good news."
The first recorded use of this exact expression in English is by James Howell in 1640, who wrote, “I am of the Italians’ mind that said, ‘Nulla nuova, buona nuova’ (no news, good news). Some years before that, James 1 of England (VI of Scotland) wrote, “No News is better than evil news".