
誤解的字彙 Q 為開頭的字彙

quack (KWAK) (noun)
1. The voice characteristic of a water bird with short legs, webbed feet, and a large flat beak: “The quack of Trudy’s pet duck is the first sound she hears each morning."
2. An individual who pretends to be a medical doctor; someone whose medical practice is suspect or not authorized; a charlatan: “Mildred always joked that she was going to see her quack about her arthritis."
“That quack almost killed Marvin’s brother by prescribing the wrong medication."
quack (KWAK) (verb)
To make a noise in order to attract a specific wild bird to a location: “The hunter will quack like a duck to lure his prey to the marsh."
quake (KWAYK) (verb)
1. To shake or to quiver because of fear, anger, etc.: “Anita’s knees began to quake after she heard about the horrible accident on the highway."
2. To shake violently: “The explosion made the whole house quake."
quake (KWAYK) (noun)
An experience of shaking or trembling; for example, a severe earth tremor: “After the primary quake, the scientists reported there were several aftershocks felt in the earthquake zone."
quarry (KWOR ee, KWAHR ee) (noun)
The target or objective of a hunt or pursuit: “On Howard’s photography expedition, he looked for his quarry in the meadows and marshlands."
quarry (KWOR ee, KWAHR ee) (noun)
1. An open pit or excavation from which to cut and to remove stone typically for building purposes: “Trudy has an old rock quarry on her property which she uses as a swimming hole during the summer."
2. A diamond shaped piece of glass or tile: “Over the front door was a decorative pane of glass comprised of blue and red quarry."
quarts 及 quartz
quarts (KWARTS) (noun)
1. U.S. units of liquid measurements equal to two U.S. pints or 0.946 liters each: “Earl’s sister told him that she put three quarts of tomatoes in the freezer to use in the winter."
2. British units of liquid measurements equal to two British pints or 1.14 liters each: “The hostess served her guests two quarts of liquid refreshments."
quartz (KWARTS) (noun)
A mineral (silicon dioxide) that occurs in colorless, transparent, or tinted hexagonal crystals: “Sabina’s aunt collected a beautiful piece of pink quartz which she displayed on a shelf in the bookcase."
quiet 及 quite
quiet (KWIGH uht) (noun)
Freedom from noise: “Shanna enjoyed the quiet of the river flowing silently past the bridge."
quite (KWIGHT) (adverb)
1. To a very noticeable degree or extent: “Vincent goes out to eat quite frequently."
2. Wholly, completely, entirely, or truly: “Rodney’s statement about the weather is quite true."
“Tamika told the repairman that she was quite capable of fixing this part herself."

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