
化粧學英文自傳範例 Foundation Makeup Personal Statement Example

Whether it’s the war paint of the Native American tribes or the whited-out faces of the Japanese Geisha and Kabuki, or the avant garde looks of a John Galliano or Alexander McQueen fashion show, make up has always seemed to play a part in society and is used to create characters and to evoke an emotional response. With the current international strength of theatre, movies, fashion, media and music in culture, the make up industry is important. The creative possibilities and job opportunities this programme would offer are both appealing and exciting to me.
Since 2001 I have been a significant figure within a Manchester based art collective. We participated actively in the local art scene holding site specific events that combined music, art and performance. As we evolved, we became part of the Temporary Autonomous Arts (TAA); a hotbed of emerging arts that crosses all disciplines, and inspired further collaboration between traditional and contemporary media. Although being a pivotal figure in the organisation of these events (finding venues, developing promotional and marketing tools etc), I found the creative activities involved most inspiring. My true passion flourished whilst creating makeup and hair designs, constructing backdrops and designing flyers for fashion shows, caberet, barndances and other events. This has given me excellent firsthand experience of working creatively under pressure and inspired me to now pursue a professional career within the makeup industry.
I have supported my artistic endeavours through a successful career in hospitality. From waiter to manager I have acquired the discipline, organisational, time and people management skills that will be essential in my studies and future career. I have greatly enjoyed the diversity of my job and the opportunities it has presented me with to interact with new people and build on my skills, but it did not satisfy my creativity.
In 2008 I was able to travel to India for three months which was an incredible experience. I chose travel alone which was both challenging and very rewarding. Having to rely on myself in a completely different country and culture gave me the opportunity to learn a lot about myself. Having this experience opened my eyes to the diversity of world we live in and gave me a far greater appreciation for what I have. It also inspired me to see more of the world in the future.
Most recently I have gained work experience with two professional freelance makeup artists; Alexander Moses and Maria Lindgren. From this I have enhanced my basic skills in actual working processes and now feel that I have a clear understanding of the rigours of the job. I am also in the process of arranging a summer internship with-in the makeup industry.I am now extremely motivated to follow a career within makeup. I feel as a mature student I have the self-knowledge, motivation and life experience to both commit to and excel throughout this course. The unique mix of skill development, production experience, industry placements and academic study you offer, will enable me to develop my skills in a tangible direction. I have always had a keen interest in fashion, photography and media and, if accepted on this course, it will give me the opportunity to play an active role within these industries. I believe the specific course you offer, combined with my determination and natural creativity, will allow me to realise my career ambitions. Its only limitations will be my own personal drive and creativity which I intend to push to their limits.


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    米德佳英文編修校對 & 中翻英的部落格

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