

Having come from two extremely musical families, music has always been a prominent part of my life. My love for music developed from recording the radio onto cassettes when I was small, to wanting to know everything about how it all worked. Similarly, during secondary school, my interest in technology began to expand. Suddenly I had found two subjects (music and technology) that I was really passionate about. I went to a local music college to study Music Technology. This included practical and research based lessons in subjects such as Recording, Sequencing and Contextual Studies. I was in a college where the teaching was inspiring. The blend of the practical hands on tutoring, and informative research lessons left me motivated by the amount of input I was getting.
This academic fire, sparked by the college, inspired me to push myself, to succeed wherever I could. Studying the two subjects that I am most interested in, Music and Technology, is a great inspiration in itself. Being the ‘Year Representative’ for all three years of my college meant a lot to me. It was my responsibility to be a voice for the students at area meetings and localised college meetings with tutors. It gave me a chance to be actively involved and to put students’ point of view over about the course and the college. Due to my involvement with college I achieved distinction grades for both the technology and the research sides of my studies.
In my two gap years, straight after school, I showed that responsibility, and a courteous polite manner, had all been learnt after keeping a solid demanding catering job, dealing with the public and large private functions. The level of work was reflected when I was awarded employee of the month award in a company employing over one hundred people. Once in college I proved I still had these skills and proved that my time management skills were superb, by combining college and a part-time job and letting neither suffer. I also used this time to pursue my other past time. Snowboarding is something I really enjoy even though when I started I was not that good, I worked on my technique and improved. I love hobbies where you can see hard work and perseverance turn into positive results. Snowboarding is just one of them.
The course I am applying for looks perfect for me due to the combination of music with technology. I have always been pro-active in seeking ways to learn more about both these subjects from a young age. I got my first practical training when I volunteered to help with P.A. at my local church. In my time at my present college I have used my initiative to organize a placement with an audio hire company, helping setting up, sound check, monitor and pack away for a variety of different bands and acts. I have brought these skills back to my college where I have played an active part of promoting and setting up for college gigs and showcases. I also did a four-week placement at a local secondary school, introducing students to music technology and recording. I found this a valuable experience that mad
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