

For me the examination of the human condition and the conditions in which humans exist has sparked the most fascinating cultivation and exchange of critical thought ever recorded. Further I would gamble my degree course on the notion that these fundamental questions regarding our actions as individuals and as a civilization will remain ongoing, simply because it is our duty as a species to search for our most basic truths.Having been originally ignited and fostered by my college debate club, my interest in philosophy has grown in tandem with an advancing dexterity to structure and express ideas. Aided by skills in logical and systematic thought resulting from my A-Level Business Studies course, this interest has since stretched beyond core texts and to the works of thinkers such as Baruch Spinoza and David Hume. I’ve particularly taken interest to Hume’s ‘A Treatise of Human Nature’, in which our motivations are questioned with the notion that passion rather than reason is the source of our moral actions. Self-examining challenges of this nature appeal strongly to my curiosity, as they carry the question of how or if someone can alter supposedly innate ideas, which in turn raises the question of free will. It’s my hope that degree level study will enhance my academic and personal understanding in areas such of depth and complexity.
Other results of my pursuit into matters concerning the human condition have been the works of Machiavelli, Comte and Freud; the latter’s methodology in texts such as ‘The Interpretation of Dreams’ being of particular use in challenging and advancing my deductive reasoning. My A-Level Media Studies course has furthered my interest in the ‘Frankfurt School’, the members of which intrigued me in their attempts to effectively implement both social and philosophical theory whilst recognising the frequent connections between the two. Although I’m not in full agreement with sections of the Neo-Marxist thought to emerge from Frankfurt, Marcuse’s ‘false needs’ theory being one example, I believe that the notion of scholars uniting in the debate and reevaluation of ideas with the aim of social benefit sets an honourable ideology, one which I would be pleased to see my university studies follow.
Whilst at college I also took part in enrichment activities such as learning first aid and writing for the college newspaper, as well as holding the position of advertising manager on my college’s young enterprise program. Despite not warming to the title of ‘Ad man’, benefit came from the role’s necessity to assess the needs and habits of our student consumers. Outside academia I donate some of my time to charitable causes such as ‘fun-runs’ and a reading mentor scheme at a local primary school, both of which have the advantage of being able to share in the experience with others. I also take an active interest in emerging arts, from frequenting independent cinemas and bookshops to holding subscriptions with locally produced literary magazines, some of which have reproduced my own short fiction.
The above is chiefly born out of my adoration of literature, a passion which captivates me and has aided me in many of my studies. This passion however did me a disservice last year when it unfortunately invigorated my more cautious nature, the result being my decision to take a career-focused Journalism degree course instead of pursuing my philosophical and social fascinations into higher education. Despite my experience of university life thus far being one which has undoubtedly advanced me both academically and socially, I realise that I have made an error and am thus determined in seeking to swiftly correct it. In the mean time, I can only take some solace in the fact that Immanuel Kant was once caught in ‘dogmatic slumber’.

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